miercuri, 18 februarie 2015

Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Partner Every Day

                              Reasons why you and your partner should be having sex daily!

Sex Is An Enjoyable Exercise.

When faced with the word ‘workout’ many of us will recoil in horror, unless of course that workout involves sex. Throughout sex our bodies are continually experiencing physiological changes that are consistent with an exercise routine. Our breathing rates rise which in turn burns calories, which means that if you have sex just three times a week you can burn around 7,500 calories a year. That’s the same as running 75 miles!

Sex Helps Your Immune System.

    Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that their students who stated they had sex at least twice a week had higher levels of particular antibodies than those who had no sex at all. During sex, antigens like immunoglobulin A are released which are proven to fight the common cold and even flu! Even more good news: the more frequently you engage in sex the more antigens will be released and the healthier you’ll get.

Sex Lowers Your Blood Pressure.

     Even if it’s just a quickie, some forms of physical contact can improve your blood pressure significantly. A study conducted by the University of Paisley found that sex reduces diastolic blood pressure – which is the bottom number on a blood pressure reading – making us healthier all around! Sex Ensures Regular Periods. If your periods are a bit erratic, it could be down to a stressful lifestyle. As mentioned previously, sex reduces stress and so will also have an impact on your menstrual cycle!

 Sex Creates Powerful Pelvic Muscles.

      As well as quads, back and core muscles, sex also works out your pelvic muscles! Is there a better way of building muscle? I don’t think so! By creating stronger pelvic muscles you also benefit by having better orgasms according to the National Health Service (NHS).

   Sex Reduces The Risk Of Cancer.

     Particularly for men, regular sex reduces the chances of developing cancer. In an Australian study published the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month were much less likely to suffer form prostate cancer.

Sex Makes You Sleep Well.

       Like exercise, sex increases your heart rate which leads to relaxation. In addition to this, it’s common knowledge that male ejaculation leads to lethargy which can make men extremely sleepy after sex.
